February is Gum disease awareness month! It is important because more than half of the adults in our country experience gum disease, leading to gum inflammation and infection. This relentless disease can wreak havoc on your oral health and adversely affects not just your gums but your jaw bone density and teeth, too. Advanced periodontal disease also puts you at... read more »
The purpose of Gum Disease Awareness Month in February is to raise awareness of what causes it and to encourage you to adhere to better oral health habits to keep it from developing in your smile. Sadly, periodontal disease affects 47.2% of adults over 30 in the U.S. and at an even higher rate (70.1%) for adults over 65 years!... read more »
As periodontists, we are, in fact, dentists who specialize in treating the soft oral tissues (gum disease) and the jawbone underneath as it supports your teeth. Our training involves graduating from an accredited dental school earning a 4-year undergraduate college degree and then pursuing another three years of study in a periodontology residency training program. We focus on managing periodontal... read more »
If you are like many folks this time of year, making resolutions is probably foremost on your mind. Those resolutions likely have something to do with promoting health and prosperity while giving up unhealthy habits. This year, our dental team highly recommends making some powerful changes to your dental health by implementing healthier dental goals! Day-to-Day Actions Remember, it’s important... read more »
When it comes to your teeth and gums, it’s essential to take good care of them to keep them healthy and strong so you can bite, chew, speak, and smile. Your daily oral hygiene care and routine professional dental cleanings and exams combined help you maintain your teeth and gums for a lifetime of smiles. If oral problems arise, it... read more »
Winter is coming, and if you are anything like us, you are likely busy preparing for the holidays to celebrate with family and friends. Because this time of year is so busy, it’s easy to overindulge in your favorite annual treats while tempted to slack on your daily oral hygiene care. But that’s a bad combination, and you really don’t... read more »
Did You Know? Gum disease afflicts nearly half of Americans over 30. Men succumb to gum disease more than women. Periodontal disease is the biggest factor of adult tooth loss. Pregnant women with gum disease can give birth to their babies prematurely. Men or women over 35 often lose more teeth to gum disease than they do to tooth decay.... read more »
Thanksgiving will soon be here, and once again, we will be reminiscing about all the things we are grateful for. For our dental team, that means letting our patients know how thankful we are to get to care for you and your loved ones’ smiles all year round! We work hard to provide consistent, excellent dental care so you and... read more »
Our team’s job is to treat gum disease (gingivitis or periodontal disease). It is one of the ten most common diseases people deal with when it comes to their smiles. It is also the main cause of tooth loss in adults! If you have gum disease, you will need deep cleanings to overcome this chronic inflammatory condition affecting the oral... read more »
Halloween will be here before you know it, and your family will have delicious confections in buckets! You might as well call it candy season because of the number of treats offered at every event this season. Everyone is in the mood to celebrate the change of season and indulge in their favorite spooky treats like candy corn, caramel apples,... read more »