Sometimes an accidental household fall or blow to the face during sports can cause minor oral trauma. At first, it might only appear that the soft tissues in your mouth were harmed.
Then a few days after the incident it might notice increased toothache pain or discomfort in the underlying periodontal tissues. This delayed pain might mean that inflammation has set into the area distressing the tooth’s root and nerve.
In a situation like this, you should not delay in seeking professional treatment from a reputable dentist like Dr. Kirti Tewari, to prevent further pain and complications.
In the interim, you might find some temporary relief by rubbing the surrounding gums with a topical oral analgesic or by taking an over the counter anti-inflammatory medication. Just keep in mind that this is a temporary relief and not a long-term treatment strategy.
After a thorough examination, Dr. Kirti Tewari will recommend the most applicable treatment method. This might call for him to perform a root canal. This endodontic treatment will remove the tooth enamel layer as well any other traumatized components within the tooth. Then Dr. Kirti Tewari will rebuild the internal structure of the tooth in preparation for a dental crown restoration.
If you live in the Bronx, New York, area and you are suffering from a toothache that you suspect is linked to a recent oral trauma, you should call 718-547-7570 to seek treatment at Kirti Tewari Dental PC.